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A new approach to sustainable construction

Sustainability in the construction industry is about more than just choosing ‘green’ building products – it is also about people. When ethical and social considerations are brought into the design and specification process, only then can true sustainability be achieved. When choosing who to work with, the difference between two building products may be vast when ethical and social considerations are brought into the equation, in addition to their environmental credentials.

Architecture & Design Team

02 Sep 2022 2m read View Author

When people think about sustainable construction, they usually think about energy consumption, emissions reduction, recycling and waste minimisation. However, sustainability is more than just about choosing ‘green’ building products – it is also about people. When ethical and social considerations are brought into the design and specification process, only then can true sustainability be achieved. When choosing who to work with, the difference between two products may be vast when ethical and social considerations are brought into the equation.

A new approach to sustainable construction: Keeping people at the centre of decision-making examines why keeping people in the picture is essential to building a sustainable future. We look at the social element of sustainability and highlight its impact on individuals, communities and organisations. We then examine key social and ethical issues in building and construction and highlight new, collaborative approaches that achieve better outcomes for people and the environment.

Siniat is a key supply partner on thousands of construction projects around the world. The brand is renowned for providing innovative lightweight construction systems and has become a trusted partner in developing sustainable answers to the demand for more and better living spaces. As one of the Etex Group’s flagship commercial brands, Siniat shares Etex’s holistic approach to sustainable development, pursuing meaningful ways to reduce their carbon footprint while placing people front and centre of their operations.

Download this whitepaper to understand why keeping people in the picture is essential to building a sustainable future.

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A new approach to sustainable construction
Sustainability in the construction industry is about more than just choosing ‘green’ building products – it is also about people. When ethical and social considerations are brought into the design and specification process, only then can true sustainability be achieved. When choosing who to work with, the difference between two building products may be vast when ethical and social considerations are brought into the equation, in addition to their environmental credentials.
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