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Building smarter: The use of timber & plywood in contemporary design

As the design and construction industries continue to seek versatile materials that combine performance, quality, and environmental benefits, the popularity of timber is on the rise. To learn more about the reemergence of timber as a leading construction material, download this whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

26 Nov 2020 1m read View Author

As the design and construction industries continue to seek versatile materials that combine performance, quality, and environmental benefits, the popularity of timber is on the rise.

To learn more about the reemergence of timber as a leading construction material, download this whitepaper.

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Building smarter: The use of timber & plywood in contemporary design
As the design and construction industries continue to seek versatile materials that combine performance, quality, and environmental benefits, the popularity of timber is on the rise. To learn more about the reemergence of timber as a leading construction material, download this whitepaper.
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