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Building the schools of tomorrow: Adapting the design of learning and teaching environments for health, wellbeing and future flexibility

Each year, Australian schools see an increase in student enrolments, which is an inevitable outcome of burgeoning urban populations. This places greater focus on the design of new schools and what is needed to create adaptable learning spaces that deliver improved student health, wellbeing and educational outcomes now and into the future.

Architecture & Design Team

11 Jul 2023 2m read View Author

With urban populations rapidly increasing, governments and educational institutions must continue to build new schools to keep up with demand, thus placing greater focus on the design of these schools. Schools should be durable, flexible facilities that are adaptable for future needs, and enable students with varied abilities, interests and backgrounds to flourish.

How do we create dynamic learning spaces that improve student health, wellbeing and academic performance now and into the future?

Building the Schools of Tomorrow: Adapting the design of learning and teaching environments for health, wellbeing and future flexibility tackles this question by exploring the key parameters that are taking on increasing importance in modern education design. The areas explored in this paper include: the use and influence of colour in educational spaces; improving indoor air quality; caring for the environment; the role of acoustic design; encouraging participation in sports; and enhancing accessibility and inclusion through design.

Tarkett is a global leader in innovative flooring solutions and offers the widest range of flooring products on the market to meet the needs of schools and other educational institutions. In addition to exceptional acoustic performance and durability, Tarkett flooring products have extremely low VOC (volatile organic compound) content, are 100% phthalate-free and many products are GreenTag certified.

Download this whitepaper to learn about the key parameters that are taking on increasing importance in modern education design.

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Building the schools of tomorrow: Adapting the design of learning and teaching environments for health, wellbeing and future flexibility
Each year, Australian schools see an increase in student enrolments, which is an inevitable outcome of burgeoning urban populations. This places greater focus on the design of new schools and what is needed to create adaptable learning spaces that deliver improved student health, wellbeing and educational outcomes now and into the future.
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