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Engineered for safety: Passive fire protection systems for cross-laminated timber

As the construction industry searches for more sustainable building methods, the popularity of structural timber is growing. CLT was developed in Europe over 40 years ago but has only recently entered the mainstream Australian construction market. Unlike solid timbers, CLT is an engineered timber – meaning that it is a composite material (typically comprised of timber and glue), engineered to precise design specifications.

Architecture & Design Team

13 Jul 2023 1m read View Author

As the construction industry searches for more sustainable building methods, the popularity of structural timber is growing. CLT was developed in Europe over 40 years ago but has only recently entered the mainstream Australian construction market. Unlike solid timbers, CLT is an engineered timber – meaning that it is a composite material (typically comprised of timber and glue), engineered to precise design specifications.

To learn how cross laminated timber products meet this demand and deliver outstanding fire protection, download this whitepaper.

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Engineered for safety: Passive fire protection systems for cross-laminated timber
As the construction industry searches for more sustainable building methods, the popularity of structural timber is growing. CLT was developed in Europe over 40 years ago but has only recently entered the mainstream Australian construction market. Unlike solid timbers, CLT is an engineered timber – meaning that it is a composite material (typically comprised of timber and glue), engineered to precise design specifications.
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