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Food waste disposers for Australian households

Did you know that Australians produce 540kg of household waste per person, each year, which amounts to 10kg for every single person, every single week? Did you know that the largest source of potential greenhouse gas emissions is methane produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in landfills? And did you know that food waste accounts for approximately 3% of Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions?

Architecture & Design Team

17 Jul 2023 1m read View Author

Did you know that Australians produce 540kg of household waste per person, each year, which amounts to 10kg for every single person, every single week? Did you know that the largest source of potential greenhouse gas emissions is methane produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in landfills? And did you know that food waste accounts for approximately 3% of Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions?

Find out what more about food waste challenges in the Australian home by downloading this infographic.

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Food waste disposers for Australian households
Did you know that Australians produce 540kg of household waste per person, each year, which amounts to 10kg for every single person, every single week? Did you know that the largest source of potential greenhouse gas emissions is methane produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in landfills? And did you know that food waste accounts for approximately 3% of Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions?
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