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Hitting the right note: Designing an environment with acoustics in mind

Due to an increase in visual media, architecture is more often seen than it is heard. Acoustics can make or break a space, and good acoustic solutions are often overlooked in favour of aesthetics. However, just as a building must suit an aesthetic brief dependent on its purpose, so too must it fit an acoustic brief to suit its purpose. To find out more about the importance of specifying adequate acoustic solutions into your design right from the beginning, download this free whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

22 Jun 2020 1m read View Author

Due to an increase in visual media, architecture is more often seen than it is heard. Acoustics can make or break a space, and good acoustic solutions are often overlooked in favour of aesthetics. However, just as a building must suit an aesthetic brief dependent on its purpose, so too must it fit an acoustic brief to suit its purpose.

To find out more about the importance of specifying adequate acoustic solutions into your design right from the beginning, download this free whitepaper.

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Hitting the right note: Designing an environment with acoustics in mind
Due to an increase in visual media, architecture is more often seen than it is heard. Acoustics can make or break a space, and good acoustic solutions are often overlooked in favour of aesthetics. However, just as a building must suit an aesthetic brief dependent on its purpose, so too must it fit an acoustic brief to suit its purpose. To find out more about the importance of specifying adequate acoustic solutions into your design right from the beginning, download this free whitepaper.
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