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Simplifying thermal bridging calculation: Improving energy efficiency

To combat building energy inefficiency, Australia and New Zealand have enacted stronger energy standards including new energy performance requirements, verification methods, design standards and environmental certification criteria relating to thermal bridging calculations. Download this whitepaper to understand the changing requirements relating to thermal bridging and how the right thermal calculator can give you an efficient pathway to compliance.

Architecture & Design Team

25 Jun 2020 1m read View Author

Building energy inefficiency is a major contributor to global emissions and energy consumption. To combat the problem, Australia and New Zealand have enacted stronger energy standards that should lead to higher performing buildings, including new energy performance requirements, verification methods, design standards and environmental certification criteria relating to thermal bridging calculations.

Download this whitepaper to understand the changing requirements relating to thermal bridging and how the right thermal calculator can give you an efficient pathway to compliance.

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Simplifying thermal bridging calculation: Improving energy efficiency
To combat building energy inefficiency, Australia and New Zealand have enacted stronger energy standards including new energy performance requirements, verification methods, design standards and environmental certification criteria relating to thermal bridging calculations. Download this whitepaper to understand the changing requirements relating to thermal bridging and how the right thermal calculator can give you an efficient pathway to compliance.
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