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Enhancing workplace indoor air quality through efficient flooring specification

Indoor air quality has become critical to organisational success; designers and specifiers are seeking solutions that improve indoor air quality and deliver health benefits to employees. To learn how efficient flooring specification can deliver this outcome, download this free whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

09 May 2019 1m read View Author

Australians spend approximately 90% of their time indoors and approximately 1600 hours at work per year. Against this backdrop, it’s no surprise that people across the country are increasingly concerned with their health and wellbeing. Indoor air quality in particular has become critical to organisational success; designers and specifiers are seeking solutions that improve indoor air quality and deliver health benefits to employees.

To learn how efficient flooring specification can deliver this outcome, download this free whitepaper.

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Enhancing workplace indoor air quality through efficient flooring specification
Indoor air quality has become critical to organisational success; designers and specifiers are seeking solutions that improve indoor air quality and deliver health benefits to employees. To learn how efficient flooring specification can deliver this outcome, download this free whitepaper.
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