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Enhancing indoor air quality in schools with window automation

Window automation represents one simple method of enhancing indoor air quality without relying on mechanical ventilation and the related environmental consequences. To find out about window automation and how it can be utilised to enhance the quality of educational spaces, download this free whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

03 Oct 2019 1m read View Author

In the face of rising demand for new and updated educational facilities across Australia, architects and specifiers must understand the specific design requirements such institutions involve, and how their choices impact performance, sustainability and occupant health. Window automation represents one simple method of enhancing indoor air quality without relying on mechanical ventilation and the related environmental consequences.

To find out about window automation and how it can be utilised to enhance the quality of educational spaces, download this free whitepaper.

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Enhancing indoor air quality in schools with window automation
Window automation represents one simple method of enhancing indoor air quality without relying on mechanical ventilation and the related environmental consequences. To find out about window automation and how it can be utilised to enhance the quality of educational spaces, download this free whitepaper.
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