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Kitchen essentials: A specifier’s guide to design and planning considerations for modern kitchens

In modern kitchen design, designers and specifiers have to balance a wide range of requirements, including how to accommodate appliances, storage and workspaces, providing access to water and electricity, and doing so within a comfortable and ergonomic layout. Aesthetics remain one of the top priorities for homeowners, making surface and material choice critical to delivering the desired look and feel without compromising durability and longevity.

Architecture & Design Team

01 Jun 2021 1m read View Author

In modern kitchen design, designers and specifiers have to balance a wide range of requirements, including how to accommodate appliances, storage and workspaces, providing access to water and electricity, and doing so within a comfortable and ergonomic layout. Aesthetics remain one of the top priorities for homeowners, making surface and material choice critical to delivering the desired look and feel without compromising durability and longevity.

Download this whitepaper for an essential guide to the design and planning considerations for creating an efficient, functional and beautiful modern kitchen.

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Kitchen essentials: A specifier’s guide to design and planning considerations for modern kitchens
In modern kitchen design, designers and specifiers have to balance a wide range of requirements, including how to accommodate appliances, storage and workspaces, providing access to water and electricity, and doing so within a comfortable and ergonomic layout. Aesthetics remain one of the top priorities for homeowners, making surface and material choice critical to delivering the desired look and feel without compromising durability and longevity.
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