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Mission critical: Sustainable, resilient roofing solutions for data centres

Across the globe, the massive migration of corporate data to the cloud has increased the demand for more environmentally-friendly data centers. Roofing is probably not the first element that comes to mind when designing a data centre. However, a well-designed roof delivers many benefits, from compliance with Section J Energy Efficiency requirements and watertightness to increased durability, longevity and reduced maintenance costs.

Architecture & Design Team

28 Sep 2022 2m read View Author

Data centers have long been recognised as being excessive energy consumers, accounting for up to 4% of Australia's overall energy use and roughly 10% of the energy used worldwide. The industry is becoming increasingly aware of how crucial building design is to reducing the environmental impact of these essential facilities given the energy needs for cooling and operation. However, a well-designed roof delivers many benefits, from compliance with Section J Energy Efficiency requirements and watertightness to increased durability, longevity and reduced maintenance costs.

Mission critical: Sustainable, resilient roofing solutions for data centres examines the importance of sustainable roof design for modern data centres. We explain why roofing matters in data centre design, and the characteristics of a ‘cool’ roof. We then discuss the factors that make roofing sustainable, from increased energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions to the use of eco-friendly materials and waste minimisation during the installation process. Finally, we look at some of the design considerations when incorporating solar panels into new and existing roofs.

Sika Sarnafil understands the performance requirements of every part of a data centre for both new build and refurbishment projects. With more than 60 years of roofing and waterproofing experience in locations all over the world, Sika Sarnafil provides a single source for sustainable, integrated and compatible roofing solutions.

Download this whitepaper to understand the importance of sustainable roof design for modern data centres.

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Mission critical: Sustainable, resilient roofing solutions for data centres
Across the globe, the massive migration of corporate data to the cloud has increased the demand for more environmentally-friendly data centers. Roofing is probably not the first element that comes to mind when designing a data centre. However, a well-designed roof delivers many benefits, from compliance with Section J Energy Efficiency requirements and watertightness to increased durability, longevity and reduced maintenance costs.
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