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Sense and safety: Using reinforced engineered pavers for pedestal paving

Pedestal paving is growing in popularity but do you know the safety risks? Across interior and exterior applications in residential and commercial spaces, pedestal paving offers numerous benefits over traditional paving methods. However, if a paver cracks, a person may fall through the pavement which could result in serious injury. Reinforced engineered pavers can solve this problem and more. Download this whitepaper to find out how.

Architecture & Design Team

01 Nov 2023 1m read View Author

Pedestal paving is growing in popularity but do you know the safety risks? Across interior and exterior applications in residential and commercial spaces, pedestal paving offers numerous benefits over traditional paving methods. However, if a paver cracks, a person may fall through the pavement which could result in serious injury.

Reinforced engineered pavers can solve this problem and more. Download this whitepaper to find out how.

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Sense and safety: Using reinforced engineered pavers for pedestal paving
Pedestal paving is growing in popularity but do you know the safety risks? Across interior and exterior applications in residential and commercial spaces, pedestal paving offers numerous benefits over traditional paving methods. However, if a paver cracks, a person may fall through the pavement which could result in serious injury. Reinforced engineered pavers can solve this problem and more. Download this whitepaper to find out how.
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