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Safety and fall protection mechanisms: A bridge to safer public structures

In Australia, bridges are essential to civic infrastructure. However, bridges present unique design challenges, including the need to implement safety and fall prevention measures without compromising the structural integrity and aesthetics of the bridge itself. Download this whitepaper to see how flexible stainless steel cable mesh can help designers and specifiers create functional and compliant barriers.

Architecture & Design Team

20 Apr 2020 1m read View Author

In Australia, bridges are essential to civic infrastructure, allowing pedestrians and vehicle traffic to safely travel over geographic features. Many bridges are also central to a strong sense of local identity. However, bridges present unique design challenges, including the need to implement safety and fall prevention measures without compromising the structural integrity and aesthetics of the bridge itself.

Download this whitepaper to see how flexible stainless steel cable mesh can help designers and specifiers create functional and compliant barriers.

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Safety and fall protection mechanisms: A bridge to safer public structures
In Australia, bridges are essential to civic infrastructure. However, bridges present unique design challenges, including the need to implement safety and fall prevention measures without compromising the structural integrity and aesthetics of the bridge itself. Download this whitepaper to see how flexible stainless steel cable mesh can help designers and specifiers create functional and compliant barriers.
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