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Seen but unable to be heard: Optimising the acoustics of educational spaces

Exposure to beneficial environments and well-designed architecture is a relatively simple way to encourage positive early childhood development. Ensuring the proper set-up of the acoustics of an educational environment greatly assists the capacity for effective teaching and learning. To find out more about the connection between acoustics in educational environments and the role it plays in assisting early childhood development, download this free whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

15 Jan 2019 1m read View Author

While the specific influences of early childhood development may be unique to each individual, exposure to beneficial environments and well-designed architecture is a relatively simple way to encourage positive early childhood development. For example, ensuring the proper set-up of the acoustics of an educational environment greatly assists the capacity for effective teaching and learning.

To find out more about the connection between acoustics in educational environments and the role it plays in assisting early childhood development, download this free whitepaper.

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Seen but unable to be heard: Optimising the acoustics of educational spaces
Exposure to beneficial environments and well-designed architecture is a relatively simple way to encourage positive early childhood development. Ensuring the proper set-up of the acoustics of an educational environment greatly assists the capacity for effective teaching and learning. To find out more about the connection between acoustics in educational environments and the role it plays in assisting early childhood development, download this free whitepaper.
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