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Ensuring compliance for under slab insulation: A specifier’s guide

Wall and ceiling linings in the updated National Construction Code (NCC) of 2016, some insulation products that were previously compliant, became non-compliant. Therefore it is imperative that specifiers check the compliance certifications of any product before specification. Download this whitepaper for a detailed look at the changes to testing requirements and the issues specifiers should be aware of when specifying under slab soffit insulation products.

Architecture & Design Team

06 Jul 2022 1m read View Author

Compliance breaches are not always driven by wilful negligence. All it takes is a mistake of fact or ignorance towards relevant standards to mistakenly specify and install non-compliant products in construction. Following changes to AS5637.1:2015 - Determination of fire hazard properties: Wall and ceiling linings in the updated National Construction Code (NCC) of 2016, some insulation products that were previously compliant, became non-compliant. Therefore it is imperative that specifiers check the compliance certifications of any product before specification.

Download this whitepaper for a detailed look at the changes to testing requirements and the issues specifiers should be aware of when specifying under slab soffit insulation products.

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Ensuring compliance for under slab insulation: A specifier’s guide
Wall and ceiling linings in the updated National Construction Code (NCC) of 2016, some insulation products that were previously compliant, became non-compliant. Therefore it is imperative that specifiers check the compliance certifications of any product before specification. Download this whitepaper for a detailed look at the changes to testing requirements and the issues specifiers should be aware of when specifying under slab soffit insulation products.
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