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The right side of sustainability: A specifier's guide to side-retention systems

Side-retention systems contribute to energy-efficient buildings by addressing a range of environmental factors – from heat gain and natural light control to protection against wind, rain and sun. Download this whitepaper to see how side-retention systems help Australian homes and commercial buildings achieve elevated sustainability outcomes.

Architecture & Design Team

03 Apr 2023 1m read View Author

In Australia, buildings produce 25% of the country’s total emissions. Architects, designers and specifiers can mitigate the building industry’s impact on climate change by implementing sustainable design solutions suited for Australia’s unique climate. Side-retention systems contribute to energy-efficient buildings by addressing a range of environmental factors – from heat gain and natural light control to protection against wind, rain and sun.

Download this whitepaper to see how side-retention systems help Australian homes and commercial buildings achieve elevated sustainability outcomes.

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The right side of sustainability: A specifier's guide to side-retention systems
Side-retention systems contribute to energy-efficient buildings by addressing a range of environmental factors – from heat gain and natural light control to protection against wind, rain and sun. Download this whitepaper to see how side-retention systems help Australian homes and commercial buildings achieve elevated sustainability outcomes.
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