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Sound remedies: Specifying acoustic flooring for noise control, performance and comfort

Acoustic comfort is a key design element that contributes to healthy living spaces. Flooring, as one of the most abundant surfaces in any building, can have a massive impact on indoor acoustics. Download this whitepaper to learn how acoustic flooring can greatly improve the overall acoustic performance of new and refurbished installations.

Architecture & Design Team

27 Aug 2020 1m read View Author

With Australians spending 90% of their time indoors, creating comfortable and productive indoor environments at home, the workplace and school are more important than ever. Acoustic comfort is a key design element that contributes to healthy living spaces. Flooring, as one of the most abundant surfaces in any building, can have a massive impact on indoor acoustics.

Download this whitepaper to learn how acoustic flooring can greatly improve the overall acoustic performance of new and refurbished installations.

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Sound remedies: Specifying acoustic flooring for noise control, performance and comfort
Acoustic comfort is a key design element that contributes to healthy living spaces. Flooring, as one of the most abundant surfaces in any building, can have a massive impact on indoor acoustics. Download this whitepaper to learn how acoustic flooring can greatly improve the overall acoustic performance of new and refurbished installations.
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