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Schools of the future: Designing for student and teacher health, wellbeing and performance

Specifying comfortable, clean and durable floors is a key component to high quality school environments and can significantly improve learning and teaching effectiveness. Download this whitepaper for an essential guide to specifying high performance flooring that meets the specific needs of students and teachers.

Architecture & Design Team

24 Jan 2020 1m read View Author

As Australian education policy shifts towards a holistic approach that encompasses student and teacher wellbeing in addition to academic performance, creating healthy and engaging learning spaces has never been more important. Specifying comfortable, clean and durable floors is a key component to high quality school environments and can significantly improve learning and teaching effectiveness.

Download this whitepaper for an essential guide to specifying high performance flooring that meets the specific needs of students and teachers.

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Schools of the future: Designing for student and teacher health, wellbeing and performance
Specifying comfortable, clean and durable floors is a key component to high quality school environments and can significantly improve learning and teaching effectiveness. Download this whitepaper for an essential guide to specifying high performance flooring that meets the specific needs of students and teachers.
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