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Lessons from leaky homes: Designing weatherproof facades for modern Australian buildings

Don’t get caught by the silent killer! Water damage in Australian buildings can bubble beneath the surface, causing structural damage, toxic mould growth and a litany of other costly building issues before it gets detected. One-third of all cladding defects are due to water ingress and moisture damage. Don’t be a statistic - download this whitepaper and learn how to design weatherproof facades to avoid the next “Leaky Homes Crisis”!

Architecture & Design Team

02 Oct 2020 1m read View Author

Don’t get caught by the silent killer! Water damage in Australian buildings can bubble beneath the surface, causing structural damage, toxic mould growth and a litany of other costly building issues before it gets detected. The cause -- leaky, non-compliant and poor performing facades that fail to stand up to Australia’s demanding climate.

One-third of all cladding defects are due to water ingress and moisture damage. Don’t be a statistic - download this whitepaper and learn how to design weatherproof facades to avoid the next “Leaky Homes Crisis”!

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Lessons from leaky homes: Designing weatherproof facades for modern Australian buildings
Don’t get caught by the silent killer! Water damage in Australian buildings can bubble beneath the surface, causing structural damage, toxic mould growth and a litany of other costly building issues before it gets detected. One-third of all cladding defects are due to water ingress and moisture damage. Don’t be a statistic - download this whitepaper and learn how to design weatherproof facades to avoid the next “Leaky Homes Crisis”!
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