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WoodSolutions broadens industry understanding of sustainability

As sustainability concerns become increasingly central to Australian design and construction, practitioners are seeking ways to incorporate environmental considerations into all aspects of construction. To learn how Forest and Wood Products Australia’s WoodSolutions brand encourages this holistic approach and provides ongoing educational resources for industry professionals, download this free e-book.

Architecture & Design Team

21 Dec 2018 1m read View Author

As sustainability concerns become increasingly central to Australian design and construction, practitioners are seeking ways to incorporate environmental considerations into all aspects of construction.

To learn how Forest and Wood Products Australia’s WoodSolutions brand encourages this holistic approach and provides ongoing educational resources for industry professionals, download this free e-book.

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WoodSolutions broadens industry understanding of sustainability
As sustainability concerns become increasingly central to Australian design and construction, practitioners are seeking ways to incorporate environmental considerations into all aspects of construction. To learn how Forest and Wood Products Australia’s WoodSolutions brand encourages this holistic approach and provides ongoing educational resources for industry professionals, download this free e-book.
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