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Working smarter, not harder: Improving workplace health and wellbeing through effective design

The advent of the millennial workforce is shaping workplace trends and culture around the world. In particular, health and wellbeing are becoming increasingly critical considerations in the design and fitout of contemporary offices. To learn how carpet can enhance indoor environmental quality and meet enhanced health and wellbeing outcomes, download this free whitepaper.

Architecture & Design Team

13 Aug 2018 1m read View Author

The advent of the millennial workforce is shaping workplace trends and culture around the world. In particular, health and wellbeing are becoming increasingly critical considerations in the design and fitout of contemporary offices.

To learn how carpet can enhance indoor environmental quality and meet enhanced health and wellbeing outcomes, download this free whitepaper.

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Working smarter, not harder: Improving workplace health and wellbeing through effective design
The advent of the millennial workforce is shaping workplace trends and culture around the world. In particular, health and wellbeing are becoming increasingly critical considerations in the design and fitout of contemporary offices. To learn how carpet can enhance indoor environmental quality and meet enhanced health and wellbeing outcomes, download this free whitepaper.
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