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Access control in accommodation settings: Benefits and use cases of wireless locks and systems

There are significant challenges to overcome when specifying an access control system for a student residence, military barracks, mining camp or other accommodation setting. As technology has advanced, the expectations of staff and residents have changed as well. Now, it is not just a matter of automating and opening; it is about creating an effective and fluid access experience.

Architecture & Design Team

29 Aug 2023 1m read View Author

There are significant challenges to overcome when specifying an access control system for a student residence, military barracks, mining camp or other accommodation setting. As technology has advanced, the expectations of staff and residents have changed as well. Now, it is not just a matter of automating and opening; it is about creating an effective and fluid access experience.

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Access control in accommodation settings: Benefits and use cases of wireless locks and systems
There are significant challenges to overcome when specifying an access control system for a student residence, military barracks, mining camp or other accommodation setting. As technology has advanced, the expectations of staff and residents have changed as well. Now, it is not just a matter of automating and opening; it is about creating an effective and fluid access experience.
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