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Acoustic wellness in the workplace: Specifying acoustic treatment for a healthier workforce and better business

Across the world, the workplace wellness industry is booming. Ergonomics is a popular subset of workplace wellness; studies have shown that many of the commonly recommended ergonomic office adjustments have little effect.

Architecture & Design Team

12 Feb 2024 1m read View Author

Across the world, the workplace wellness industry is booming. Ergonomics is a popular subset of workplace wellness; studies have shown that many of the commonly recommended ergonomic office adjustments have little effect. Considerably less consideration is given to creating a healthy acoustic environment, despite evidence that excessive reverberation and echo caused by poor acoustic treatment can have detrimental effects on employees’ wellbeing. Acoustic solutions can contribute to employee wellbeing, decreased absenteeism, and greater productivity and profitability.

Download this whitepaper for a detailed examination of the effects of excessive noise in the office and how these issues may be mitigated through the smart specification of high-performance acoustic solutions.

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Acoustic wellness in the workplace: Specifying acoustic treatment for a healthier workforce and better business
Across the world, the workplace wellness industry is booming. Ergonomics is a popular subset of workplace wellness; studies have shown that many of the commonly recommended ergonomic office adjustments have little effect.
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