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Addressing security in the education sector: Modern access control technology for schools and universities

Every school and university owes a duty of care to its students, staff and authorised visitors to protect their safety, property and privacy. With access control technology rapidly advancing, specifiers need to be aware of new solutions that will deliver seamless security experiences that meet the increasingly stringent requirements posed by modern educational institutions.

Architecture & Design Team

01 Jul 2022 2m read View Author

Managing access within an educational institution is an imposing task. Institutions must manage a diverse set of users and areas requiring different levels of security while maintaining a degree of openness that creates a welcoming experience for students, staff and visitors. Designing an access control system that meets these objectives is made more difficult with ever-present challenges with budget and resourcing. With access control technology rapidly advancing, specifiers need to be aware of new solutions that will deliver tailored security experiences that save on operational cost without sacrificing functionality.

Addressing security in the education sector: Modern access control technology for schools and universities explores how the latest in access control technology can help meet the demanding security requirements of modern educational institutions. First, we define what comprises an access control system. We then discuss the impact of outdated access technology on school operations and user experience. Finally, we look how the shift from wired to wireless and cloud-based access control systems has presented opportunities to design flexible, cost-effective security experiences for the benefit of students, teachers and visitors alike.

Incedo™ by Assa Abloy is a powerful access control system that offers an intelligent, yet simple, step up from keys. Incedo™ is easily incorporated into existing systems and buildings, with multiple management solutions.

Download this whitepaper to learn how wireless technology can help specifiers create tailored access control solutions that deliver an efficient, safe and intelligent education environment.

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Addressing security in the education sector: Modern access control technology for schools and universities
Every school and university owes a duty of care to its students, staff and authorised visitors to protect their safety, property and privacy. With access control technology rapidly advancing, specifiers need to be aware of new solutions that will deliver seamless security experiences that meet the increasingly stringent requirements posed by modern educational institutions.
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