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Building resilient cities: A journey of learning and adaptation

Resilient cities build on older patterns from previous iterations - they adapt to events and evolve over time. Older structures are now preserved and adapted for new purposes or community needs, such as old commercial riverways morphing into residential villages or entertainment precincts.

Architecture & Design Team

07 Sep 2023 1m read View Author

Resilient cities build on older patterns from previous iterations - they adapt to events and evolve over time. Older structures are now preserved and adapted for new purposes or community needs, such as old commercial riverways morphing into residential villages or entertainment precincts.

Download this whitepaper to find out more about how we can ensure that our built environments are resilient and can rebound after dramatic events or long-term change such as society growth, ageing populations or decaying infrastructure systems.

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Building resilient cities: A journey of learning and adaptation
Resilient cities build on older patterns from previous iterations - they adapt to events and evolve over time. Older structures are now preserved and adapted for new purposes or community needs, such as old commercial riverways morphing into residential villages or entertainment precincts.
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