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Case study: Logan Hospital Expansion, Brisbane

The Logan Hospital Expansion is one of Queensland’s largest ever hospital expansions, undertaken to cater to the growing population in the region. Brisbane-based Precision Interior Walls and Ceilings (PIWC) were commissioned to deliver all internal walls and ceilings and recently reflected on their decision to partner with CSR and Rondo to deliver efficient, cost-effective building solutions.

Architecture & Design Team

13 Feb 2024 1m read View Author

The Logan Hospital Expansion is one of Queensland’s largest ever hospital expansions, undertaken to cater to the growing population in the region. Brisbane-based Precision Interior Walls and Ceilings (PIWC) were commissioned to deliver all internal walls and ceilings and recently reflected on their decision to partner with CSR and Rondo to deliver efficient, cost-effective building solutions.

Download to discover how CSR and Rondo provided a full design for internal walls and ceilings to meet all relevant codes such as Rw45 and Rw50 acoustic specifications and site-specific requirements.

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Case study: Logan Hospital Expansion, Brisbane
The Logan Hospital Expansion is one of Queensland’s largest ever hospital expansions, undertaken to cater to the growing population in the region. Brisbane-based Precision Interior Walls and Ceilings (PIWC) were commissioned to deliver all internal walls and ceilings and recently reflected on their decision to partner with CSR and Rondo to deliver efficient, cost-effective building solutions.
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