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Out of frame: Challenges in designing, specifying and installing doors and openings

Doors are sometimes the most overlooked items in a building, yet mistakes in door scheduling can set projects back, causing delays in handover and costly budget overruns. Door hardware errors can make up approximately 18-20% of total defects onsite across a project and are often caused by poor documentation or not following industry standards in terms of compliance.

Architecture & Design Team

25 May 2023 1m read View Author

Doors are sometimes the most overlooked items in a building, yet mistakes in door scheduling can set projects back, causing delays in handover and costly budget overruns. Door hardware errors can make up approximately 18-20% of total defects onsite across a project and are often caused by poor documentation or not following industry standards in terms of compliance.

Download this whitepaper for a close look at the potential challenges in designing and installing doors in modern building projects, and some innovative tools that help streamline the door scheduling process.

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Out of frame: Challenges in designing, specifying and installing doors and openings
Doors are sometimes the most overlooked items in a building, yet mistakes in door scheduling can set projects back, causing delays in handover and costly budget overruns. Door hardware errors can make up approximately 18-20% of total defects onsite across a project and are often caused by poor documentation or not following industry standards in terms of compliance.
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