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Compliance pathways and the National Construction Code

Australia has a major non-compliance issue. Industry representatives suggest this may be caused by human error, lack of product training and a lack of understanding of product certification schemes leading to building defects. For cladding systems, which must meet demanding requirements for fire safety, weatherproofness and durability, CodeMark certification provides certainty and reduces the risks of non-compliance.

Architecture & Design Team

11 May 2021 1m read View Author

Australia has a major non-compliance issue. Industry representatives suggest this may be caused by human error, lack of product training and a lack of understanding of product certification schemes leading to building defects. For cladding systems, which must meet demanding requirements for fire safety, weatherproofness and durability, CodeMark certification provides certainty and reduces the risks of non-compliance.

Download this whitepaper to understand the six methods of documentary evidence of compliance accepted by the NCC and the benefits of CodeMark certification on design and specification.

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Compliance pathways and the National Construction Code
Australia has a major non-compliance issue. Industry representatives suggest this may be caused by human error, lack of product training and a lack of understanding of product certification schemes leading to building defects. For cladding systems, which must meet demanding requirements for fire safety, weatherproofness and durability, CodeMark certification provides certainty and reduces the risks of non-compliance.
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