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Condensation management solutions for residential pitched metal roof applications: Vapour permeable sarking

Left unchecked, condensation on the underside of metal roofs can be disastrous to the building as well as the health and wellbeing of its occupants. Architects, designers and specifiers need to err on the side of caution when specifying roof and ceiling systems to minimise the likelihood of condensation occurring, and protect the building structure from potentially irreversible damage.

Architecture & Design Team

05 Dec 2023 1m read View Author

Left unchecked, condensation on the underside of metal roofs can be disastrous to the building as well as the health and wellbeing of its occupants. Architects, designers and specifiers need to err on the side of caution when specifying roof and ceiling systems to minimise the likelihood of condensation occurring, and protect the building structure from potentially irreversible damage.

Download this whitepaper to learn about effective condensation management solutions for residential pitched metal roof applications, particularly with the use of vapour permeable sarking.

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Condensation management solutions for residential pitched metal roof applications: Vapour permeable sarking
Left unchecked, condensation on the underside of metal roofs can be disastrous to the building as well as the health and wellbeing of its occupants. Architects, designers and specifiers need to err on the side of caution when specifying roof and ceiling systems to minimise the likelihood of condensation occurring, and protect the building structure from potentially irreversible damage.
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