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Worklife and the impact of COVID-19: Designing for employee flexibility, health and wellbeing

With each new COVID-19 outbreak forcing employees back to working from home, the lines between work and personal life become blurrier. The rise of remote working has changed how employees view the role of the workplace and is forcing companies to rethink workplace design to keep employees safe, happy and productive. How do these shifting perspectives affect designers and specifiers?

Architecture & Design Team

19 Oct 2021 1m read View Author

With each new COVID-19 outbreak forcing employees back to working from home, the lines between work and personal life become blurrier. The rise of remote working has changed how employees view the role of the workplace and is forcing companies to rethink workplace design to keep employees safe, happy and productive. How do these shifting perspectives affect designers and specifiers?

Download this whitepaper and see how COVID-19 has impacted workplace design outcomes for worklife balance, employee wellbeing, hygiene, indoor air quality and noise.

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Worklife and the impact of COVID-19: Designing for employee flexibility, health and wellbeing
With each new COVID-19 outbreak forcing employees back to working from home, the lines between work and personal life become blurrier. The rise of remote working has changed how employees view the role of the workplace and is forcing companies to rethink workplace design to keep employees safe, happy and productive. How do these shifting perspectives affect designers and specifiers?
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