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Designing for people: Integrating technology into your next bathroom design

Smart bathroom technology has the potential to transform and enrich our lives. However, too often, smart technology is being integrated into bathroom design in a way that results in complex, ‘high-tech’ or ‘futuristic’ spaces that are not aligned with the modern bathroom’s role as a space for calm and relaxation.

Architecture & Design Team

30 Aug 2022 1m read View Author

Smart bathroom technology has the potential to transform and enrich our lives. However, too often, smart technology is being integrated into bathroom design in a way that results in complex, ‘high-tech’ or ‘futuristic’ spaces that are not aligned with the modern bathroom’s role as a space for calm and relaxation.

Download this whitepaper to learn how emerging smart technologies can be seamlessly integrated into bathrooms that will be loved by users for many years to come.

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Designing for people: Integrating technology into your next bathroom design
Smart bathroom technology has the potential to transform and enrich our lives. However, too often, smart technology is being integrated into bathroom design in a way that results in complex, ‘high-tech’ or ‘futuristic’ spaces that are not aligned with the modern bathroom’s role as a space for calm and relaxation.
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