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Fire hazard properties & non-combustibility: A guide for internal walls & ceiling linings

Under Australia’s National Construction Code (NCC), internal wall and ceiling assemblies are among the key areas of focus for passive fire protection strategies. Architects, designers and specifiers need to understand the complex web of requirements for fire hazard properties, non-combustibility and fire resistance levels to deliver safe and compliant buildings.

Architecture & Design Team

19 Sep 2023 2m read View Author

Over the last decade, spurred on by high-profile tower fires, the National Construction Code’s (NCC) fire safety requirements have been strengthened. Internal wall and ceiling assemblies are among the key areas of focus. The NCC includes requirements for fire hazard properties and non-combustibility, but it can be difficult to understand when certain products can be used, and how all these factors contribute to a wall or ceiling assembly’s overall fire resistance level.

Fire Hazard Properties & Non-Combustibility: A Guide for Internal Walls & Ceiling Linings is an essential guide to the fire performance requirements for internal wall and ceiling linings under the NCC 2022 Vol. 1. We take a deep dive on fire hazard properties and Group Numbers, non-combustibility requirements, and how they relate to the FRL of the entire wall or ceiling system. We also consider the accepted test methods for assessing the fire performance of building materials, with references to the relevant Australian standards.

Siniat manufactures and distributes plasterboard, and associated wall and ceiling products and systems, to the Australian market through its national distribution network of PlastaMasta stores and other independent distributors. Siniat offers various plasterboard products and systems to help meet the fire performance requirements of the NCC 2022, including Fireshield, Multishield and the Interhome separating wall system.

Download this whitepaper for an easy-to-follow guide to the fire performance requirements for internal wall and ceiling linings under the NCC 2022.

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Fire hazard properties & non-combustibility: A guide for internal walls & ceiling linings
Under Australia’s National Construction Code (NCC), internal wall and ceiling assemblies are among the key areas of focus for passive fire protection strategies. Architects, designers and specifiers need to understand the complex web of requirements for fire hazard properties, non-combustibility and fire resistance levels to deliver safe and compliant buildings.
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