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A guide to creating a modern multifunctional kitchen space

A multifunctional kitchen is used for more than preparing and serving food. It may be used as a home office during the day and a cooking space in the evening. Maybe it serves as a breakfast bar in the mornings or a place for doing homework after the kids get home from school.

Architecture & Design Team

20 Oct 2022 1m read View Author

A multifunctional kitchen is used for more than preparing and serving food. It may be used as a home office during the day and a cooking space in the evening. Maybe it serves as a breakfast bar in the mornings or a place for doing homework after the kids get home from school.

Download this infographic on design considerations and appliances for a multifunctional kitchen.

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A guide to creating a modern multifunctional kitchen space
A multifunctional kitchen is used for more than preparing and serving food. It may be used as a home office during the day and a cooking space in the evening. Maybe it serves as a breakfast bar in the mornings or a place for doing homework after the kids get home from school.
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