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Hotelisation of office spaces: The role of biophilic design in the workplaces of the future

Combining the comforts of home with adaptable spaces that cater to different working styles on demand, the “hotelisation” of the workplace is gaining pace. However, the success of these new types of office environments is not just about the range of amenities on offer, but how well these spaces help tenants and employees build stronger relationships and work communities.

Architecture & Design Team

06 Feb 2023 2m read View Author

In this current era of hybrid work, we are seeing the emergence of a new workplace trend focused on the experience of the end users. Combining the comforts of home with adaptable spaces that cater to different working styles on demand, the “hotelisation” of the workplace is gaining pace. However, the success of these new types of workplaces is not just about the range of amenities on offer, but how well these spaces help tenants and employees build stronger relationships and work communities.

Hotelisation of office spaces: The role of biophilic design in the workplaces of the future examines the current trend of “hotelising” office spaces and the role of biophilic design in creating engaging experiences that inspire productivity, promote good health and foster social connection. We look at the factors that have led to the current trend of hotelisation, and the key changes landlords are making to gain a competitive edge in the commercial property market. We tie these developments to interior design trends, before discussing the importance of biophilic design in creating healthy, human-centric workplaces.

Available from GH Commercial, Lichen Community is a new modular carpet collection from Mohawk Group that connects us to a more restorative future. Inspired by expansive communities of lichens that grow together on bark and rock formations, playing a regenerative role in our ecosystems, Lichen Community has been designed to provide a refined solution for creating collaborative environments, bringing people together.

Download this whitepaper and learn how biophilic design is turning today’s offices into engaging experiences that inspire productivity, promote good health and foster social connection.

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Hotelisation of office spaces: The role of biophilic design in the workplaces of the future
Combining the comforts of home with adaptable spaces that cater to different working styles on demand, the “hotelisation” of the workplace is gaining pace. However, the success of these new types of office environments is not just about the range of amenities on offer, but how well these spaces help tenants and employees build stronger relationships and work communities.
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