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How precast builds uniqueness: Maximising the design potential of precast concrete

Precast concrete is distinguished from in-situ concrete due to its incredible design versatility. While concrete is typically associated with large, grey block-like forms, precast concrete can now be used to achieve almost any aesthetic or functional outcome—from curved, organic structural shapes to fine, intricately detailed decorative pieces, in all types of colours and textures.

Architecture & Design Team

28 Sep 2023 1m read View Author

Precast concrete is distinguished from in-situ concrete due to its incredible design versatility. While concrete is typically associated with large, grey block-like forms, precast concrete can now be used to achieve almost any aesthetic or functional outcome—from curved, organic structural shapes to fine, intricately detailed decorative pieces, in all types of colours and textures.

Download this whitepaper to learn about designing with precast concrete and how it can be used to create versatile, multi-purpose street furniture that delivers strength, functionality and longevity.

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How precast builds uniqueness: Maximising the design potential of precast concrete
Precast concrete is distinguished from in-situ concrete due to its incredible design versatility. While concrete is typically associated with large, grey block-like forms, precast concrete can now be used to achieve almost any aesthetic or functional outcome—from curved, organic structural shapes to fine, intricately detailed decorative pieces, in all types of colours and textures.
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