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Entries open to the 2024 Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards

Entries are now open for the second edition of the Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards, the nation’s only awards programme dedicated to spotlight, celebrate and inspire trades-based small business operators.

Branko Miletic

23 May 2024 3m read View Author

Entries are now open for the second edition of the Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards, the nation’s only awards programme dedicated to spotlight, celebrate and inspire trades-based small business operators from all corners of every Australian state and territory.

From builders and bricklayers to arborists, architects, engineers, commercial cleaners, plumbers, painters, locksmiths, electricians, gardeners, landscapers and surveyors, the Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards program recognises the vital role of small businesses in the trade sector as the backbone of the nation’s construction industry, especially at a time when there is an urgent need for more housing and skilled tradespeople.

The 2024 Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards features more than 50 award categories and five individual categories including Apprentice Champion, Champion Tradie, Small Business Trades Entrepreneur (aged over 30), Young Small Business Trades Entrepreneur (aged 30 and younger), and Trades Champion Leader.

While there are almost two million tradies actively employed in Australia, hundreds of thousands more are needed to keep pace with Australia’s housing demand. Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal that the vast majority of Australian small business owners are tradies.

“Small business owners in trade industries are crucially important to Australia. Their contributions to this country are simply astronomical and so, it’s in the interests of all Australians to recognise the champions of this sector and in doing so, consider how we can better support them so they can continue to support us,” says Steve Loe, awards founder and managing director of Precedent Productions, also a small business, which coordinates the Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards.

A recent national survey commissioned by Precedent Productions found that more than half (63 per cent) of small business owners work more than five days a week. The study also revealed that trades-based small business owners are impacted by several challenges revolving around staff hire, productivity and high costs of operation.

“From regional and rural areas to the suburbs and capital cities, owners from all parts of the country are encouraged to enter the Awards – free of charge – as we strive to celebrate the tradies behind the small businesses that contribute so significantly to our national economy and help to shape their local communities in so many meaningful ways,” adds Loe.

The judging criteria for the Awards covers several areas including customer service, quality of products, staff training initiatives, environmental sustainability and community contribution.

Eligible small businesses must be based in Australia, be a Trade Retail or Service Business provider with no more than 40 employees, or a Trade Manufacturing Business with 100 employees or less.

Shortlisted finalists for the 2024 Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards will be announced from July and will culminate in a gala event to be held on Friday 23 August 2024 at Sydney’s The Star.

Entries to the Awards can be made online, free, until 5pm (AEST) on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Image: Winners of the 2023 Australian Trades Small Business Champion Awards (Supplied)

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