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SA roll out dementia-friendly community plan

The South Australian Government alongside Dementia Australia has released the Parliamentary Dementia-Friendly Communities Action Plan, which will assist state MP’s in making their electorates more dementia-friendly, with architects to be front and centre of the community-shaping change.

Jarrod Reedie

06 May 2024 2m read View Author

The South Australian Government alongside Dementia Australia has released the Parliamentary Dementia-Friendly Communities Action Plan, which will assist state MP’s in making their electorates more dementia-friendly, with architects to be front and centre of the community-shaping change.

The second of its kind in Australia, the Plan was developed alongside Dementia Australia, Dementia Advocates and the Parliamentary Friends of Dementia Co-Convenors. It will be rolled out across a two year period. It will harness the information, tools and support provided by Dementia Australia to ensure dementia-friendly communities become commonplace in the southern state.

“Almost everyone has been touched by dementia in some way, whether they are affected personally or know a loved one who has experienced this awful illness,” says Member for Davenport and Parliamentary Friends of Dementia Co-Convenor, Erin Thompson.

“This is why I’m delighted to work with Dementia Australia and my Parliamentary colleagues to help support the needs of those living with dementia.

“I look forward to the Action Plan for South Australia being rolled out in the community so we can assist those living with dementia but also their families and carers, who do an amazing job.”

Dementia Australia General Manager Policy and Advocacy Kylie Miskovski believes the creation of the Plan will provide support for over 34,000 South Australians living with dementia, as well as the projected 55,600 by 2054.

“The focus of the program has been on grass roots community advocacy, actions and activity to help drive awareness of the disease and to work towards reducing the stigma that is sadly still experienced by many people living with dementia,” she says.

“The Action Plan represents a new and exciting component in the Dementia-Friendly Communities program in South Australia, and I am delighted to join with our Parliamentary Friends of Dementia Co-Convenors to announce this initiative today.

“The support of the Co-Convenors and the South Australian parliamentary community is invaluable in advocating for people living with dementia, their families and carers and I wish to thank all of those who assisted to create the Action Plan for South Australia.”

South Australian MPs and their staff are encouraged to become Dementia Friends as part of the Plan.

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