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Inground pump stations guide: Common applications, design practice, standards and testing

Sewage, stormwater and wastewater cannot flow uphill without being pumped. This can be a problem when developing land that slopes away from the main sewer line, or where other variations in the local landscape preclude or limit the viability of gravity-based wastewater systems. An inground pump station is an efficient solution when gravity-reliant systems are not possible due to limited site access and site constraints.

Architecture & Design Team

14 Jun 2022 1m read View Author

Sewage, stormwater and wastewater cannot flow uphill without being pumped. This can be a problem when developing land that slopes away from the main sewer line, or where other variations in the local landscape preclude or limit the viability of gravity-based wastewater systems. An inground pump station is an efficient solution when gravity-reliant systems are not possible due to limited site access and site constraints.

Download this whitepaper to learn more about inground pump stations and their role in sewage and stormwater management.

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Inground pump stations guide: Common applications, design practice, standards and testing
Sewage, stormwater and wastewater cannot flow uphill without being pumped. This can be a problem when developing land that slopes away from the main sewer line, or where other variations in the local landscape preclude or limit the viability of gravity-based wastewater systems. An inground pump station is an efficient solution when gravity-reliant systems are not possible due to limited site access and site constraints.
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