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CEMAG’s recommendations, policy endorsed by engineering body

The Federal Government’s Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group (CEMAG) has recently released its Interim Report and the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy (ESPP) framework, receiving endorsement for each from a number of organisations, including Engineers Australia (EA).

Jarrod Reedie

29 Apr 2024 2m read View Author

The Federal Government’s Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group (CEMAG) has recently released its Interim Report and the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy (ESPP) framework, receiving endorsement for each from a number of organisations, including Engineers Australia (EA).

EA regards the release of both documents as a “significant step towards sustainability”. The ESPP, due to come into effect next financial year, will ensure that government officials purchase goods and services that are environmentally friendly.

The organisation’s CEO, Romilly Madew AO (pictured), believes the changes to government policy will make a substantial impact on Australia’s decarbonisation efforts.

“Sustainable procurement isn't just about buying products; it's about shaping markets, driving innovation and creating jobs,” she says.

“Prioritising sustainable products and services will help drive demand for new technologies, materials and processes that are environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable.”

The Interim Report, also released in conjunction with the ESPP, recommends an enhancement of materials efficiency, reducing energy demand, minimising waste, and achieving net-zero emissions. 20 recommendations have been made within the report, including establishing circular economy provisions in sector plans, setting circularity requirements to fill regulatory gaps, leveraging government procurement power to create circular markets, and promoting voluntary sustainability reporting aligned with international standards.

“Engineers Australia is proud to contribute our expertise to CEMAG and supports the call for urgent regulatory reform and coordinated action outlined in the Interim Reports preliminary recommendations. We advocate for regulatory frameworks that foster circularity, addressing priority issues like strategic policy setting and economic leverage for circular markets,” Madew continues.

“Engineers will play an increasingly critical role in transitioning to a circular economy by implementing principles that promote materials efficiency, reduced energy demand, waste minimisation, and achieving net zero emissions. We commend the government's commitment to environmentally responsible practices and look forward to seeing the positive outcomes of this work."

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