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Migration, women, architecture: A Melbourne Design Week roundtable

The Immigration Museum will be the host of a special roundtable coinciding with Melbourne Design Week, with a number of leading architects to explore the complex intersection of Migration. Women. Architecture.

Architecture & Design Team

09 May 2024 2m read View Author

The Immigration Museum will be the host of a special roundtable coinciding with Melbourne Design Week, with a number of leading architects to explore the complex intersection of Migration. Women. Architecture.

This exclusive event, led by Maryam Gusheh, Mirjana Lozanovska, Marika Neustupny, and Sonia Sarangi, will delve into the experiences of female architects who have migrated to Australia. The discussion will address the specific challenges they face, including difficulties entering the workforce after studying, a lack of professional support networks, and the financial risks associated with starting afresh in a new country.

The conversation will also explore the fascinating interplay between cultural background, gender, and social class, all of which have a profound impact on a woman's journey in the architecture industry.

This promises to be a thought-provoking discussion, relevant not just to those in the architectural field, but also anyone interested in diversity, inclusion, and the changing face of Australian cities.

Join the discussion on Friday 24th May from 6pm – 7:30pm at the Immigration Museum at 400 Flinders St, Melbourne.

Image: Top (left to right): Badru Ahmed, Helen Duong, Alexandra Anda Florea, Maryam Gusheh, Rehila Hydari, Saran Kim & Milana Lević Bottom (left to right): Mirjana Lozanovska, Marika Neustupny, Jaslyn Ng, Shanica Saenrak Hall, Nadine Samaha & Sonia Sarangi.

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