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Titchkosky calls time on BVN tenure

BVN has toasted the successes of outgoing co-CEO Ninotschka Titchkosky who the practice credits as making a long-lasting imprint on its processes and design philosophy.

Architecture & Design Team

04 Apr 2024 2m read View Author

BVN has toasted the successes of outgoing co-CEO Ninotschka Titchkosky (pictured above right), who the practice credits as making a long-lasting imprint on its processes and design philosophy.

Working alongside fellow co-CEO Neil Logan (pictured above left), Titchkosky has led BVN towards an innovative and sustainable future. The outgoing leader is credited with driving the practice’s advances in AI and digital technologies, regenerative practice and net-positive solutions.

“Over our five years in the role, we have achieved a lot. I have enjoyed working with you every day,” says BVN co-CEO Neil Logan.

“We’ve learned so much from one another while going about our business, and I’ve witnessed the infectious nature of your passion and drive for BVN to succeed.”

Titchkosky’s time at BVN spanned 25 years and some 338 projects, many of which have won awards both nationally and internationally. A champion of diversity and equality, Titchkosky is also a Commissioner for the Future of Sydney CBD, has worked with the Committee for Sydney and Arup and is listed as a Co-Founder for Robots in Architecture and Construction Australia with the University of Sydney.

My time at BVN has shaped who I am, so I won’t ever really leave. The greatest gift everyone has given me is the creative and intellectual camaraderie,” Titchkosky says in a post published on LinkedIn.

“Thank you BVN and all the clients, consultants, change agents, city shapers, and researchers I have worked with over the years. Everything I have been able to contribute has been a result of our collective efforts. Damn it was fun!”

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