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Episode 106: Interface's Jan Peter van Deutekom on how to successfully design a sustainable flooring product

Interface Product Development Manager Jan Peter van Deutekom, or JP as he's known on the flooring maker's approach to product management and concept design to support its many customers.

Branko Miletic

15 Jul 2022 1m read View Author

Interface Product Development Manager Jan Peter van Deutekom, or JP as he's known on the flooring maker's approach to product management and concept design to support its many customers.

JP gives us a global perspective of how to approach designing products with sustainable thinking as well as how its possible to design products that will suit the needs of many diverse markets around the world.

This podcast was brought to you in association with Interface, proud sponsors of the Sustainability series of podcasts. For more information on Interface, please go to www.architectureanddesign.com.au/suppliers/interface-aust

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