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Episode 129: Nick Hill, co-founder and CEO of Coast4C on the importance of seaweed & its role in helping to fight climate change

Nick Hill has two decades experience in sustainable enterprise for coastal communities, fundraising and leading teams.

Branko Miletic

25 Oct 2022 1m read View Author

Nick Hill has two decades experience in sustainable enterprise for coastal communities, fundraising and leading teams.

Coast4C is aimed at unlocking the potential of regenerative seaweed farming and the circular economy to deliver benefits for communities, conservation, climate and commerce.

Nick has a PhD in seaweed farming and fishing livelihoods and was also the co-founder of Net-Works and Our Sea Our Life programs.

In this exclusive interview he describes how seaweed can be an answer to our climate change woes.

This podcast was brought to you in association with Interface, proud sponsors of the Sustainability series of podcasts. For more information on Interface, please go to www.architectureanddesign.com.au/suppliers/interface-aust

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