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Episode 149: Dr Sarah Hill, CEO of the Western Parkland City Authority & her vision of the future of western Sydney

Dr Sarah Hill, the CEO of the Western Parkland City Authority, talks about delivering her vision for 'a metropolis of three cities’', a vision she co-created as the inaugural CEO of the Greater Sydney Commission, to fundamentally change the way we think and plan for Greater Sydney.

Jarrod Reedie

29 Mar 2023 1m read View Author

Dr Sarah Hill, the CEO of the Western Parkland City Authority, talks about delivering her vision for 'a metropolis of three cities’', a vision she co-created as the inaugural CEO of the Greater Sydney Commission, to fundamentally change the way we think and plan for Greater Sydney.

Sarah talks about leading the Commission to develop new ways of engaging with citizens, to measure and monitor key planning outcomes and to better align growth with infrastructure through new methods such as Australia’s first Place-Based Infrastructure Compact.

Disclaimer: This podcast was recorded before caretaker arrangements began in NSW ahead of the state election.

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