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Episode 153: German architect Matthias Sauerbruch talks about how architects can provide the solutions to the challenges humanity is facing

Matthias Sauerbruch studied in Berlin and in London and has worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture in London as project manager for six years and partner for four years.

Branko Miletic

26 Apr 2023 1m read View Author

Matthias Sauerbruch studied in Berlin and in London and has worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture in London as project manager for six years and partner for four years.

In 1989 he founded Sauerbruch Hutton together with Louisa Hutton and has been directing the office since then.

Recently in Australia to visit the University of Melbourne and to deliver the Faculty of Architecture of Building Planning first Dean’s Lecture on Tuesday 21 March, ‘BAUWENDE – Architecture in the climatic turn’ Sauerbruch spoke to Talking Architecture & Design about on the changes in societies perception of urban spaces, the importance of environmental change and the need for architects to be at the vanguard of what he considers to be some of humanity's greatest challenges in at least the past century.

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