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ATDC installs 2nd expandable gate with anticorrosive features for Riverboat Postman

ATDC was engaged to install another expandable gate for this uniquely located customer, which has its premises situated directly above the water at Brooklyn, a short drive from Sydney.

Architecture & Design Team

09 Jul 2024 1m read View Author

Seven years after installing its original expandable gates for the Riverboat Postman, The Australian Trellis Door Company (ATDC) was engaged to install another expandable gate for this uniquely located customer, which has its premises situated directly above the water at Brooklyn, a short drive from Sydney.

ATDC offers numerous products suitable for installation in marine grade environments.

ATDC expandable gate

Across ATDC’s range of products are some unique anticorrosive features, which assist in prolonging their longevity in environments with a high saline content. These features include stainless steel or aluminium rivets as well as hardened marine grade anodised aluminium extrusions. These gates expand and slide out of the way to the side of the opening when unlocked and opened so as to be almost invisible. When locked and closed, they provide a formidable deterrent.

Contact ATDC’s experienced sales team who will guide you to the most suitable product to suit the unique requirements of your project.

For further information, please visit ATDC’s website.

The Australian Trellis Door Company
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