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Fusion carpet planks define activity zones in open plan workspace at Deakin University

Carpet planks from Signature Floors helped H2o Architects delineate activity zones during a recent refurbishment and extension project at Deakin University.

Architecture & Design Team

06 Jul 2021 1m read View Author

Carpet planks from Signature Floors helped H2o Architects delineate activity zones during a recent refurbishment and extension project at Deakin University.

H2o Architects collaborated with Signature to install new flooring across the workstation and meeting spaces. Carpet planks from Signature’s Fusion collection were selected with the aim of maintaining quiet, keeping in mind that an open plan workspace amplifies noise transmission.

Monochrome tones from the Fusion range served as the base carpet with the architects introducing green highlights to delineate breakout and circulation zones from enclosed spaces.

Speaking about the project, Vanja Joffer, associate architect from H2o Architects said, “The overall goal was to create large circular zones within the flooring, to delineate the open plan and enclosed areas. We also wanted a plank format as it looks more dynamic and elegant than a square tile. The different colours in the Fusion range allowed us to achieve this. In addition, the client wanted a carpet that wouldn’t show up coffee stains, which this carpet achieved.”

Signature Floors
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