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Circular glass staircase takes centre-stage at Miami waterfront house

Glasshape helped bring interior designer Nathalie Ohayon’s vision to life by fabricating a circular glass staircase for a residential home in Miami, USA.

Architecture & Design Team

05 Oct 2022 2m read View Author

Glasshape helped bring interior designer Nathalie Ohayon’s vision to life by fabricating a circular glass staircase for a residential home in Miami, USA.

This beautifully designed and crafted circular staircase is the crowning jewel of The White House, a spectacular, privately owned waterfront property. With the exception of the staircase stringers and handrail, the materials used in its construction are predominantly made up of glass, including the multi-laminated stair treads, with the project clearly demonstrating the strength, durability and versatility of glass.

The use of glass also delivers the added benefit of allowing light to fill the entrance to this elegantly designed house, which would otherwise be obscured.

The completed circular glass staircase stands testament to the combined efforts of many, with the team at Bella Stairs, LLC, working alongside Nathalie Ohayon from Renovaid Interiors who designed the staircase layout.

Glasshape contributed further by providing digital field measuring services, and 3D laser scanning the staircase whilst it was under construction. This data was processed by Glasshape’s in-house design team, who also 3D modelled the as-built structure and designed their signature TemperShield 14.28mm low iron, laminated bent glass to ensure a perfect fit.

“The White House project required a glass fabricator to produce panels of various sizes, including a tight interior radius, which made sourcing the glass quite difficult. Glasshape brought their A-game to this project and provided their digital template service to get accurate measurements. Upon installation of the glass panels, the Glasshape team was readily available to help when there was a glass breakage, and sourced the replacement piece in record time. Panels are of the highest quality, with little to no distortion,” said Bella Stairs founder-manager Juan Esteban Arcos.

“We will gladly refer, recommend, and use Glasshape for any and all future curved glass projects,” he added.

The White House project is a perfect example of the shared passion that Bella Stairs and Glasshape have for providing the very best in products and services to their discerning clientele. We look forward to working with Bella Stairs again on their next bent glass project.

Watch The White House - Circular Glass Staircase Animation.

Photography Credits: Silvia Pangaro

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