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Dincel’s CodeMark certification: Report by Grove & Wynn-Jones

There is significant misunderstanding in the industry about the application of CodeMark certificates, particularly as they relate to the assessment of a product’s suitability in relationship to fire. Following extensive fire testing and assessment by fire engineers, Dincel Wall was issued with a CodeMark Certificate of Conformity by SAI Global for Class 2 to Class 9 buildings.

Architecture & Design Team

16 Nov 2023 1m read View Author

There is significant misunderstanding in the industry about the application of CodeMark certificates, particularly as they relate to the assessment of a product’s suitability in relationship to fire.

Following extensive fire testing and assessment by fire engineers, Dincel Wall was issued with a CodeMark Certificate of Conformity by SAI Global for Class 2 to Class 9 buildings.

However, the question still remains: Does a certifier have to accept CodeMark certification?

Dincel has sought legal advice on state legislation and BCA requirements regarding CodeMark.

The legislation and BCA are clear: the certifier must give you a valid reason to refuse the use of Dincel CodeMark in your project.

Grove and Wynn-Jones, Fellows of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, state that certifiers can accept a Dincel CodeMark for all external and internal applications.

  • Internal loadbearing Dincel Wall applications = Deemed-to-Satisfy compliance.
  • Dincel Wall complies with external/facade loadbearing applications; a site-specific performance solution is not required.
  • NSW legislation makes it clear that a certifier incurs no liability in accepting a CodeMark certificate.

The full report can be accessed on the Dincel website.

Dincel Structural Walling
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