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Dulux helps renovated Bendigo library stand out with bold colours

Dulux's 'Limone' has helped to revitalise the facade of an old library in Bendigo, a key ingredient for the award-winning project by MGS Architects.

Architecture & Design Team

01 Jul 2024 2m read View Author

A bold use of colour is central to the success of the Bendigo Library renovations by MGS Architects. Applied astutely and in a restrained way over a masonry façade, Dulux ’s ‘Limone’ has helped to revitalise the face of an old library.

The colour is coated over a Vitrapanel Façade System, which punctuates the building's new northern and western façade. It is a yellowish-green that speaks to Bendigo’s years past, as well as the adjacent Town Hall’s heritage golden beige twinge – a call out which ensures the building’s facelift is not jarring, but maintains a connection with its landscape.

Dulux’s ‘Limone’ is also used as a finish on the perforated canopies layered in front of the building in conjunction with the classic ‘Black’. The former colour intermingles with the greens of the park beyond, while the latter colour makes a visual connection to the double-glazed black powder coated curtain walls in the lower sections of the facades.

Limone is a colour trend for 2014, and part of The Digital Nomads Colours – a global fusion of tribal reflection resulting from clashing cultures, and leading to contrast colours that form digital patterns and eclectic interiors.

The project won the Commercial Exterior Category at the 2014 Dulux Colour Awards.

Photography by Andrew Latreille

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